New Beginnings...
Summer is slooooowly turning into autumn, and changes are slooooowly happening at Inherited HQ. Inherited now has a website (which you already know, since you're reading this post on it)!
The coming season offers some opportunities to shop Inherited in real life. I've submitted applications for a few upcoming events, and if accepted, I'll let you know more about them. I'll also hopefully be hosting a little shopping party at home before the end of the year, so stay tuned if you're in the Charleston, SC, area!
Inherited has big plans for the future, but for now, this site feels like a good starting place. Poke around, shop Inherited at 25% off with the code "EOS2013", and if you're on Instagram, show off your Inherited purchases with a little #inheritedattire action!
Thanks for stopping by, and come back real soon!