Renee Firestone: Lost and Found
One of my favorite things to do when I find a vintage piece is look for the label. I love stumbling on well-known brands like Bonwit Teller or YSL. But even more thrilling are the lesser-known labels, such as with the dress above. At first I was just drawn to the fringy details on the wrists and demure front collar (and then was drawn to the low cut, ruffles and button details of the back of the dress). So I brought it home. Only when I was steaming it did I stumble upon the "Renee Firestone" label sewn into a tucked-away seam on the lower side of the dress.
In my other blog, I cataloged many of the details of Renee Firestone's life. Born in Czechoslovakia, a survivor of Auschwitz, a Beverly Hills fashion designer, and an outspoken speaker for the rights of victims of the horrors of World War II, Renee lived a dynamic life.
Excitingly, this week I was contacted by Renee's daughter, Klara Firestone, who has been trying for ages to build her collection of her mother's work. Now this find of mine is going to California to join other Renee Firestone pieces in Klara's collection.
Every piece has a story. Being able to uncover the tale behind this particular dress and then unite it with the daughter of its designer is not something I ever imagined, but it confirms my thought that Inherited remains the perfect name for my little collection of pieces of history.